PyCascades is organized by members of the Vancouver, Seattle, and Portland Python communities. We are committed to hosting a diverse, accessible, and memorable conference.
Mariatta Wijaya
Mariatta is a Python Core Developer and a co-organizer of Vancouver PyLadies. She moved to Canada almost two decades ago, and now considers Vancouver as her home.
Sebastian Vetter
Sebastian is an organizer of the Vancouver Python and Django groups, and a co-organizer of Vancouver Python Day. Seb has been a Vancouverite for almost three years now and loves it here. He is part of the local Python community as much as he loves the outdoor scene. He can’t wait to share the beauty of Vancouver with you all!
Eric Holscher
Eric is co-founder of Read the Docs and Write the Docs, a director of the Python Software Foundation, and a proud member of the Portland Python community.
Don Sheu
Don founded PuPPy Seattle’s Python user group with Dusty Phillips. Over three years, PuPPy has grown to include over 4000 members in its welcoming community. During that time PuPPy hosted over 6000 attendees during 40 large turnout events.
To expand support for early-stage engineer founders, Don is launching a venture capital fund named Pythonic Ventures.
Alan Vezina
Alan is a co-organizer of Puget Sound Programming Python (PuPPy) and works as a software engineer in Seattle, Washington.
Bryan Chow
Working by day as a Python web developer, Bryan is a long-time organizer of the Vancouver Python and Django user groups, and a founder of Vancouver Python Day, a mini-conference held in 2014 and 2016.