Speaker Announcement: Guido van Rossum
We are excited to announce our first confirmed speaker: Guido van Rossum.
Guido has 27 years of experience using Python, and is also known as Python's BDFL - Benevolent Dictator For Life.
Guido will give the talk: BDFL Python 3 Retrospective. Various topics of retrospective on Python 3. What is working, what failed, what is still a work in progress as the language evolves?
Welcome to PyCascades, Guido. It is an honour to have you on our stage!
Registration for PyCascades is now open, and we are almost one-third sold!
PyCascades is a new regional Python conference in the Pacific Northwest, celebrating the West Coast Python developer and user community.
Help make PyCascades a successful event! Sponsorship helps fund running cost of the conference, financial aid, on-site childcare, sprint, and to support the local Python communities.